Monday, January 24, 2011

The ‘mystic’ secret of God: Christ!

My attention was drawn to certain points of fact, important pieces of information, which I know from personal experience, mostly go unnoticed in any casual and superficial reading of the Bible.

Paul the Apostle wrote more than 2000 years ago

“For my concern is that their hearts may be braced (comforted, cheered, and encouraged) as they are knit together in love, that they may come to have all the abounding wealth and blessings of assured conviction of understanding, and that they may become progressively more intimately acquainted with and may know more definitely and accurately and thoroughly that mystic secret of God, which is Christ the Anointed One.
In Him (Jesus Christ) all the treasures of divine wisdom(comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God) and all the riches of spiritual knowledge and enlightenment arestored up and lie hidden.” Colossians 2 v 2-3

Firstly Paul makes the point specifically that there is a
‘’ mystic”secret of God!

‘secret’ speaks of something known or shared only by one or a privileged few. Of something that exists and operates in a concealed, hidden or confidential manner and is kept hidden from general knowledge or view.

The term ‘mystic’ speaks of otherworldly knowledge, or something that remains beyond ordinary understanding or explanation, having an import not apparent to the senses, nor obvious to the intelligence.

The word ‘treasure’ has since ancient times had a specific legal meaning. It refers to a concentration of riches, concealed in the earth or other private place, lying hidden for so long that its owner is unknown.
A store of prized possession of highly valuable and desirable content, which is considered lost or forgotten, until being rediscovered.

The second point Paul makes, is that this mystery of God is exclusively found in the revelation of who Jesus Christ is!
That the totality of divine wisdom and knowledge of the Trinity, if its ever to be discovered and known by man, will only be found in an understanding of Jesus Christ.

Thirdly, that this aforementioned secret treasure was deliberately stored up, implying that it was saved, or put away for future use, but hidden, and thus imperceptible to the casual observer.

Fourthly, that that you and I may become progressively and more intimately acquainted with, and may know, more definitely and accurately, and thoroughly, this very mystic secret of God, which is indeed Christ, the Anointed One.
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