If Jesus Christ is who He says He is:
As both the Apostles John and Paul describe Him to be:
And the writer of Hebrews confirms;
If Christ is Who the Scriptures reveal Him in His cosmic context;
That All Existence, including Mankind, owes their origin and very life to Him:
That All things, including Humanity consists in Him;
That there is no place in heaven or below outside of Him;
That All things have been reconciled through Him and to Him;
That separation from the Triune God is merely an illusion;
Merely our interpretation within the context of physical creation;
That separation is merely our ignorant subjective perception;
Our human experience because of space and time in a material world;
The reality of the unenlightened human
Darkened without the light of Holy Spirit;
Oblivious and ignorant of their genesis and life in Christ;
Where then would or could the ‘unbeliever’ end up ‘outside’ of Christ?
Christ Who is All and in All,
Christ in Whom the ‘fullness dwells’
Christ Who fills All things with Himself
Christ Who is The Resurrection
And The Life!
And the writer of Hebrews confirms;
If Christ is Who the Scriptures reveal Him in His cosmic context;
That All Existence, including Mankind, owes their origin and very life to Him:
That All things, including Humanity consists in Him;
That there is no place in heaven or below outside of Him;
That All things have been reconciled through Him and to Him;
That separation from the Triune God is merely an illusion;
Merely our interpretation within the context of physical creation;
That separation is merely our ignorant subjective perception;
Our human experience because of space and time in a material world;
The reality of the unenlightened human
Darkened without the light of Holy Spirit;
Oblivious and ignorant of their genesis and life in Christ;
Where then would or could the ‘unbeliever’ end up ‘outside’ of Christ?
Christ Who is All and in All,
Christ in Whom the ‘fullness dwells’
Christ Who fills All things with Himself
Christ Who is The Resurrection
And The Life!
ReplyDelete“…That separation from the Triune God is merely an illusion; Merely our interpretation within the context of physical creation; That separation is merely our ignorant subjective perception; Our human experience because of space and time in a material world; The reality of the unenlightened human Darkened without the light of Holy Spirit; Oblivious and ignorant of their genesis and life in Christ;…”
ReplyDeleteThis is, beyond all question, a dangerous premise to present as “truth” in light of the fact that no where in the Old or New Testament does it ever use the language that the separation between God and man which occurred in the Garden of Eden is just “an illusion.” Adam didn’t seem to be responding to an illusion, interpretation, or perception when he was all of a sudden a creature of fear, hiding from God, after he had sinned.
Jesus was not describing a group of people who were just mentally ignorant when He said that they were of their father, the devil. And John, in his letter, identified two specific families in the earth: children of the devil, and children of God. This isn’t a description of those who are just unenlightened mentally and those who are enlightened in their thinking.
Jesus indicated that you MUST be born from above, in fact, refathered from above. It is a spiritual new birth that makes you a new species of being that never existed before (2 Corinthians 5:17) with all the old passed away and everything now new.
Spiritual death is an inconvenient fact that cannot be intellectually explained away as some kind of illusion. It is real. Jesus experienced it on the cross. “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” is not the cry of someone who is just experiencing a figment of his imagination!
To claim that the likes of evil terrorists, ungodly tyrannical dictators, and other such depraved human beings are actually in Christ and only wrong in their perception of who they really are is to claim that God is a coconspirator of their actions!
No, depraved humanity, due to a spiritual father who is just as depraved and worse (Satan), is suffering a very real and substantive reality called spiritual death, which is separation from God and union with the devil. Only the new birth, receiving Jesus as Lord, can break that union and bring what has been paid for by Jesus in His Finished Work a living reality in a man’s spirit. It is a choice. Not an illusion.