There exists an unfortunate weakness within the contemporary Christian Church!
Measured against her opportunity and potential for relevance within this desperately needy world we live in, the Church in my opinion, has become tragically irrelevant.
Her flaw lies in the fact that she has lost her unique and distinctive birthright; she lacks a vital revelation and clarifying explanation of the divine‘Living Logos’!
Hence, she is now become largely impotent in fulfilling her mandate and silent in prophetically describing and prescribing the over arching paradigm concerning the One in Whom is found mankind’s single spiritual solution.
The eternal objective reality and absolutelyexclusive status of the only unique Son of God, and simultaneously the implications of the all inclusive Cosmic and Universal nature of Jesus Christ, has become lost in our limited collective and individual perception of reality and religious sentiment, bred from our subjective experience.
The true message and correct representation of Who Jesus Christ actually is within the Trinity, and the far reaching claims He Himself has made and rightfully asserts, have become diluted, corrupted and confused by human reasoning.
Most Christians are blissfully unaware that there is a distinction between the Bible, also referred to as ‘God’s Word’ and the One who is referred to as the ‘Living Word’, the Manifest member of the Triune Godhead!
Many battle to distinguish the ‘Living Word’ out from the collective man made ecclesiastical structures, human doctrines, religious ethics and moral creeds that we consider to be Christianity.
Because the original and authentic apostolic vision and message of Christ Jesus as Himself being the Living Word, is lost in the Church…. she has become partially ignorant of the very reason for her own existence!
Consequently has no truly relevant message about the One Who is in Himself the very Divine Hope for a religiously confused and spiritually dumbed-down humanity desperately seeking the answer for its pain and turmoil!
A humanity, to use the cliché, who has since its inception, been driven by fear and ignorance to look for love in all the wrong places!
The very reason for our existence as the ‘Ecclesia’, the ‘Church’, the human Body of Jesus Christ in the earth, is not to present to humanity a Jesus as the mere figurehead of a more desirable replacement religion called Christianity!
Jesus is not competing for numbers with the major religions of the world, neither is He seeking their vote of approval or the endorsement of His Supremacy. He is already confidently established as The Christ of God, theover arching spiritual paradigm, in whom all of mankind exists and consists
We are not merely to make ‘converts’ and pseudo disciples for the religion called Christianity.
Jesus Christ exists and operates in a sphere far superseding and superior to the institutions and formalities of all the religions of the world.
We are to persuade and win over all the peoples of the earth under the ‘discipline’ of the certain knowledge of supreme Lordship of Jesus Christ and Good News of their inclusion into the life and love of the Trinity through Him.
Indeed to confidently announce Jesus as the very Christ of God!
Unequivocally proclaiming Him not only as the sole Saviour of All Mankind but indeed the Supreme Lord over all the Earth!
Pronouncing His legitimate claim of ownership over all of Humanity!
Jesus Christ is indeed the Saviour of the World……this is now an idea which time has come!
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