Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Eternal Divine Mystery….revealed in History ….but hidden to Humanity!


The eclipse of the sun.
For the last 2000 years various unbalanced and imperfect expressions and forms of religious activity have presented themselves under the name of Christianity.

Many of the graces and endowments of the Christian Faith, intended to be a blessing, have in fact become a snare and a spiritual death trap to many.
All ‘truth’ exists within the tension of two opposing and often seemingly contradictory polarities. Pulled to far towards any extreme, the very ‘truth’ itself, now out of balance, biased and distorted from its context now becomes the ground for error.
The Apostle Paul in his magnificent exposition of Love distinguishes between the outworking of the Life-giving Spirit of Christ and these fleshly religious aberrations.
“Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels”……referring to the religion of ecstatic emotionalism.
“Though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge”……..religion as theological intellectualism.
“Though I have all faith, so that I can remove mountains…… active energized faith for overcoming and achieving great results in the name of God.
“Though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor”……. religion as humanitarianism.
“Though I give my body to be burned” – asceticism, the religion of self-sacrifice and self-denial.
And also the fleshly expression of legalism …….producing a judgemental religion that spawns boasting, arrogance, pride and is devoid of love.
The Apostle Paul.
Paul explicitly repudiates all these distorted and inadequate representations of the outworking of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in peoples lives.
Yet ironically, by the strange twist of fate, Paul himself the lover of Christ and champion of Grace was at times himself the very embodiment of the elements of religion expressions he refuted.
We see Paul as the chosen revelator of divine mysteries. Yet we encounter Paul as the moralist and judgementalist, Paul the ecstatic visionary thinker. Paul the speculative theologian, often the enterprising organizer and clergyman, Paul the humanitarian, Paul the ascetic.
Unfortunately, of the different depictions of Paul, the one that has historically been the most prominent is that of a dogmatic thinker, the creator of a curriculum of theology, of religious philosophy, of a system of ecclesiology.
This historical misperception and ecclesiastical blunder has done much injury to this great spiritual visionary giant and has ruined Paul revelation of the eternal mysteries of God for many throughout the centuries.
A man of God’s worst enemy is often himself, ruining his own legacy and influence. However, Paul’s greatest ministry adversary, opposing his purpose and influence most down the centuries was not Paul himself…….but Paulinism.
Overlaid by elaborate religious systems and daunting theories and interpretations and forbidding theologies of generations the essence of Paul’s message……..the vital reality of God’s eternal intention of the ‘adoption’ of humanity unto Himself and into union with Him in Christ is mostly denied or treated as common truth.
If mentioned, his great insights into the Mystery of God, of both the Father and of Christ, are projected as a future heavenly destination, instead of presented as our point of departure! 
At the heart of Paul’s teaching was the revelation of at least three remarkable eternal mysteries.
Sadly, not unlike a solar eclipse, where the moon strategically becomes superimposed over the sun, obscuring its brightness, man made religious institutions and dogmas have eclipsed and  dimmed from view  these transforming realities.
Firstly that In Christ Jesus, all the Fullness of the Divine Godhead dwelt bodily. He envisioned Christ as both the genesis and fulfilment of all things.
He described the glorification of His humanity as forever reconciling humanity and divinity within Himself, perfectly satisfying both God and man. As Mediator and Guarantor of an eternal Father and Child relationship contained within the One perfect and unique relationship, the bond between Christ the Son and the Eternal Father.
He saw in the coronation of the Son of Man, withinn the Royal Throne Room of Heaven, at the Right Hand of God the Father, in the very Seat of All Rule and Authority as establishing the Man Christ Jesus as indeed the Cosmic Ruler and Supreme Universal Head over all existence, with an undisputable claim on all Mankind.
Secondly, a divine initiative of abounding and amazing grace, conceived by Divine Love in eternity past within the Godhead, and successfully executed by the Son of God in creation, within matter, energy, time and space, a perfect act of both  reconciliation and adoption between fallen man and his Maker.
Thirdly, Paul saw the resurrection of  Jesus Christ as the First-born and Corporate Head of a New Creation, a new species of Humanity, unlike anything that ever existed before. Jesus Christ now, through the Resurrection from out of death, transcending the limitations of human form … having now become also the  Life- giving Spirit who is all and in all, and fills all in all.
He saw the mystery of the special  ‘ecclesia’ of Jesus Christ, within humanity, of those responding to the ultimate ‘truth’ of their inclusion and infusion in His Life, Those believing and walking in the reality of their participation as being en-Christed men and women, their very life  hidden in Christ in God.
A realization that Christ within man is the very hope of the realization of God’s opinion of man, and the manifestation and completion of our original design!
Like a priceless masterpiece by a brilliantly talented painter, stuck away in the attic of time and completely forgotten, covered with accumulated layers of dust of centuries, such is the greatest Divine mysteries of all the ages and generations!
Victor Hugo once said, …“Nothing is as powerful as an idea which time has come!”
The revelation of these mysteries were known and penned by the Apostle Paul 2000 years ago.
Yet, if there ever was an idea worthy of acceptance, this ancient hidden truth, that Jesus Christ is their completion, their Saviour and also Lord, is indeed the birthright of every every member of the human family.
That Jesus Christ is the Lord and Saviour of all mankind,………….. is an idea which time has come!

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