Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What flavour of Christianity suits your pallet?

Are you aware that there are three basic flavours of Christianity!

Calvinism, Arminianism and Universal Reconciliation.

These flavours are the different essential structure of beliefs about how God is busy relating and dealing with mankind!
These three options undergirds all the unconscious assumptions you as a believer hold  about the nature and character of God, and reflects your opinion about Gods Love, His Power and His Justice!

The fact is that the vast majority of Christians don’t really know what they actually have been told to believe! They operate under the false assumption that because they heard something from a ‘nice man’ in a three piece suit holding a King James Bible what they learnt must be the ‘gospel truth!’

The three positions are Calvinism, Arminianism and Universal Reconciliation.

Whether you like it or not you have been sold and have bought into one of these positions! Which one of the flavours are you?

Calvinism basically proposes that God in His divine sovereignty decided beforehand who He wants to save and have in His Kingdom! Therefore God pre-ordains those who will be saved and also those who He has rejection and selected and created and destined for destruction! In other words, God indeed has the Power to save everyone, but He refuses to use it! He loves everybody, but loves some of us only while we are alive, when we die He hates us enough to either annihilate us or tormented in hell! 

Arminianism believes that God loves all people unconditionally and desires that everyone repent and believe. Yet God is unable, for whatever reason, whether self-imposed or imposed by some other obstacle, to accomplish this own objective of the ultimate redemption of His beloved creation.
Despite His divine love, God does not have the divine Power to overcome Man’s stubborn unbelief or his free will!

Because of His inability to persuade the unbelieving portion of His beloved people to repent and be saved, God is thus compelled, because of His perfect Justice and inadequate Power to save, to ‘allow’ them to be condemned to eternal torture in hell!
In other words, God is Love, but He is not quite sovereign, or powerful or wise enough to allow man a free will, and to simultaneously guarantee that man ultimately repents or believes sufficiently to gain access into God’s Kingdom

Universal Reconciliation on the other hand, presumes that God is both all Loving and all Powerful, while being at the same time a God of Justice. In fact a God who's sense of Love and Justice compels Him to take full responsibility for resolving the sin and subsequent demise of His own creation.
A God who has the desire to see all people come to an actual experimental relationship with Himself through repentance and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as the only way provided to mankind.

A God who recognises that Man is unable to save himself and has unilaterally provided salvation exclusively and inclusively through Jesus Christ as the Saviour of all mankind, and especially to those who believe. That God not only desires for all mankind to be ‘saved’ but has accomplished that salvation in human history through the corporate atonement wrought in the representative and vicarious death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

This is the only position that is consistent with all the Biblically revealed attributes of God and that correct asserts that God is simultaneously Loving, Sovereign while also perfectly Just!
It refutes the un-Biblical, irrational and grossly illogical philosophical notions of Calvinism and Arminianism that portrays God as so unwise and weak that He is incapable of allowing Man to enjoy free will and simultaneously influence Him by His grace and to ultimately include Him in His redeeming love freely given in Christ.

 It denies the presumptuous slander of a merciless and unloving God who sends certain of His creation to be tortured in a so called hell forever without any hope or relief. 
Calvinism and Arminianism both, by implication, create and exalt a special category of humanity, and do so at the expense of giving “all glory to God” and thus rob God of His essential Godliness. Both produce a man-centred instead of a  Christ-centred Gospel.

Although Calvinism acknowledges God’s sovereignty, it invariably turns Him into an unloving and sadistic tyrant who delights in torturing endlessly victims, human beings He  literally created in His own inage and likeness but destined for eternal perdition!

Well, what flavour of Christianity suits your pallet?

The one that totally honours God? Or one that exults man’s so called ‘free will’ above God’s own will and eternal purpose?
One that honours God’s essential nature and revealed character? One that esteems God as altogether Loving, Sovereign and Just, or one based on man’s irrational traditional religious philosophies?

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