Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Is the Gospel ‘only’ about Jesus Christ? ….or perhaps…?

Contrary to popular belief, the mere fact that Jesus, the Son of God was born and died on a cross, is not actually the Gospel!

That God raised Jesus from the dead, and that He has returned to heaven, is also not the Gospel!
What then is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Although the Gospel is about Jesus, the Good News is actually about you and me!
Unless we recognise and understand that the Gospel events concerns Jesus Christ, but in fact the Gospel, is actually only the Good News Message because it is primarily about us human beings,us individually and also about mankind as a whole!

The Gospel is not just that The Son of God incarnated into human flesh!
Or that He lived a sinless life!
The Gospel is not that Jesus died!

Nor that He rose again from the dead!
Neither that he ascended to Heaven!
Also not that He was Glorified as the Son of Man!

What then is the Gospel?

The Gospel is the Good News that the Son of God was incarnated as the Last Adam!

That He is the representative of the entire race of mankind!
That you and I and all of humanity were included in Him during His sinless life!
That mankind was represented in Him in His humanity as He overcame human weakness, sin and the temptation of the devil!

That you and I and all humanity were fully represented in Jesus when He paid the full penalty for sin and died vicariously as us on the cross!

The Good News is that you and all humanity were personally present in Jesus on the cross when God was cancelling out all distance between Himself and humaniy, reconciling mankind to Himself!

That you together with the entire old Adamic race died together with Jesus, making an end to the old creation’s demise into ‘sin and separation’ through Adams disobedience!

The Gospel is about how you where present in Jesus as He descended into Hades, and as a mere human being, stripped demonic principalities and laid to waste the devil’s power over mankind, making a open display of the devil as a defeated foe!

That you also were there in Jesus when death and Hades could no longer hold back His and our Righteousness and We rose victorious over death and the grave!

Its the wonderful news hat you were in Him as He ascended to Heaven, and was seated in Heavenly Places far above All power and Authority!

You were also in Him as He, as the Son of Man was enthroned and eternally Glorified within the Triune Godhead!
And you were also seated together in Him in Heavenly Places, at the right hand of Majesty on High, in the Seat of All Rule and Power!

The Gospel is the good News that you have died with Christ, and your very life is now hidden with Christ in God!
That you now no longer live, but having died with Christ, the life you now live in the flesh, you actually live by the Faith of Jesus Christ, the Son of God!

That Christ is now your very life!

What is the Good News?

That although it may not always ‘feel like it’ or rarely even  ’look like it’ based on apperances,  you have been made ‘more that a conqueror’ through Jesus Christ! 

That the ‘Greater One’ lives inside you now!

Its he Good News  that although’ life’ sometimes ‘sucks’,  nothing, absolutely nothing, except your own thinking, can ever again seperate you from the love of God,that is yours in Christ Jesus!

This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

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