Tuesday, January 25, 2011

On the dismantling of your unconscious ‘personal mythology’ …… about God…… and yourself!

Every human being, including Christians and unbelievers alike, are to a greater or lesser degree unconsciously trapped a ‘personal mythology’ regarding God and themselves!

Myths are imaginary and unproven collective ideas, beliefs and fictitious stories, based on legends and tradition. These mostly untested concepts are invented to justify ourselves, and designed to explain and give meaning to the mysterious dimensions of life.

Most our ‘personal mythology’ consists of a mixed ‘fruit salad’ consisting of an intermingling and blending together into one mass of various ingredients.
Who am I?

These consists of fear filled superstitions, fables, erroneous beliefs, personal subjective experience, cultural influence, denominational conjecture and religious dogma based on the Bible and the opinions of men etc. etc.
For instance, for most of us our inherited opinion is that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, had to come Adam’s world, into the mess Adam made, and attempt to build a faith bridge back to God! 
 A bridge we have to somehow find during our lifetime and successfully cross, or alternatively God will dump us into ‘hell’, to be tormented eternally!
The eternal fact is that Adam came into Christ’s world!
The eternal fact is that we were saved in Christ even before we fell in Adam!
Untwisting and unravelling our familiar and deeply held, and cherished misconceptions, in order to dig through to the bedrock of ‘truth’ or ‘reality’, that actually came through Jesus Christ is not easy and often most painful.
Yet, not unlike a Tiger caught in a fatal trap, we sometimes have to chew off our own leg, in order to rescue our very existence from life’s traps!
A good place to commence in exposing our ‘personal mythology’ is to get a clear perspective on and to begin to recognise the distinction between‘Objective’ and ‘Subjective’ spiritual realities.
The following audio teaching’s could prove helpful.
‘The Objective and Subjective Spiritually Reality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!’
Then to ask the question; “Who is Jesus Christ”, and what did the Triune God accomplished through Jesus for and on behalf mankind, and therefore of you personally”
‘Jesus Christ, the Master Key to unlocking the Mystery of the Bible.’
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
To ask and answer the vital question, “Who is God?”
The Mythology of God in the Mind of the Believer – Re-discovering the Heart of the Father’

Grace, and its part in the dream of the Trinity!

Our human origin began in eternity past, before the creation of the earth, within the Eternal Council of the Divine Trinity, the ‘heart’ and ‘mind’, to use human terms, of God!

The Divine Godhead’s original thoughts and intentions about us as humanity did not arise in a vacuum of boredom or loneliness, or even the need to demonstrate His power in creation.
Every though  existing in God has to be, in the very nature of the case a uniquely Trinitarian thought.
God’s every dream has to be an Trinitarian dream, spawned by and arising as an expression of the perfect and beautiful  harmonious union and communion of selfless love  and relationship that exists between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!

We as mankind are the product of such a divine Trinitarian dream and vision!
Indeed a Divine vision of every man, woman and child included by grace and co-sharing within the Son in His perfect face to face relationship as the Beloved of the Father.
This is why ‘Grace ‘is not merely the latest ’fad’ or a mere ‘message’!
Grace is in fact the power whereby the Trinitarian love dream is realized, despite mankind’s fatal flaw.
Grace is the uniquely Divine Trinitarian genius and ability, now being demonstrated and put on display for the universe to appreciate and applaud for all eternity to come.

God’s Divine Grace, and not His Divine power, which was clearly and undeniably demonstrated and displayed in bringing about the original Creation, will indeed be the very reason why the entire cosmos will applaud the absolute genius of Godhead for all eternity!

How would you like to be misquoted .....like Jesus Christ often is?

The Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, Under the Command of Titus, A.D.70
The following is one of clearest and most powerful messages by the mouth of Jesus of Nazareth

“For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.” He was saying to them, “Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who shall not taste death until they see the kingdom of God after it has come with power.”Mark 8:38-9:1

Yet….I have so often heard this scripture erroneously used to install fear into both Christians and unbelievers in order to intimidate them into ‘obedience’ or ‘faith’ on the basis that Christ will somehow ‘deny,’ ‘reject’, or be so ‘ashamed’ as to refuse to represent them before the Father and the angels in heaven!

Many unfortunate vexed souls, believers and unbelievers are convinced that their foolishness and past failures and mistakes have earned them such disdain and permanent exclusion from their privileges in Christ.
What these legalistic preachers fail to mention, is that Jesus was clearly speaking this warning within a specific historic context and exclusively with His Jewish audience in mind! Ignorance or blatantly ignoring this fact, simply leads to abuse and misappropriation of Scripture and misrepresentation of Jesus Christ…..something that regretfully is endemic in the Church.

The context is expressly signified by the inclusion of the words.. ‘this adulterous and sinful generation’,…and …. ‘there are some of those who are standing here who shall not taste death until they …’

We must discern, that much of what Jesus declared, has to be understood against the backdrop of the impending destruction of Jerusalem, the final Divine judgement upon the then apostate Judaist Religious dispensation, and the passing away of the Old Covenant and Temple Order.

This dramatic and historic event took place 70 A.D. when the Temple and Jerusalem was laid waste by the Romans. Judaism had rejected their Chief Corner Stone…..the Man Jesus Christ .their promised Messiah, the Son of David….Heir to the Throne of David.

Jewish historians recorded that during the siege of Jerusalem, 1.1 million Jews perished and another 2.5 million were taken into slavery, yet not one faithful individual who heeded the warnings of Jesus perished.
If the importance of this major event is not properly considered, much of the recorded sayings and writings of John the Baptist, Jesus, Paul and Peter and John are and verses from the Book of Hebrews are inaccurately introduced into Post – Resurrection and New Covenant preaching and teaching.

Clearly Jesus was definitely not giving this warning to you, to me, or some absent and future ‘generation’ or third parties as it is inconsistent with His present tenure as Mediator and Guarantor of the New Covenant.

Unless we rightly ‘divide’ the Word of God, we will inevitably present as the Gospel, a confusing and false ‘mixed message’ of ‘condemnation’ and ‘salvation’.
This further tramples the already muddied waters of mankind’s already obscured spiritual condition. And further undermines man’ acumen and contaminates the spiritual and emotional life of people with insecurity and uncertainty and inhibits their intimacy with God.

We should rather be of producing the ‘faith’ , ‘hope’ and ‘love’ that comes from hearing the Good News of the ‘Grace and Peace that comes from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ!

Monday, January 24, 2011

The ‘mystic’ secret of God: Christ!

My attention was drawn to certain points of fact, important pieces of information, which I know from personal experience, mostly go unnoticed in any casual and superficial reading of the Bible.

Paul the Apostle wrote more than 2000 years ago

“For my concern is that their hearts may be braced (comforted, cheered, and encouraged) as they are knit together in love, that they may come to have all the abounding wealth and blessings of assured conviction of understanding, and that they may become progressively more intimately acquainted with and may know more definitely and accurately and thoroughly that mystic secret of God, which is Christ the Anointed One.
In Him (Jesus Christ) all the treasures of divine wisdom(comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God) and all the riches of spiritual knowledge and enlightenment arestored up and lie hidden.” Colossians 2 v 2-3

Firstly Paul makes the point specifically that there is a
‘’ mystic”secret of God!

‘secret’ speaks of something known or shared only by one or a privileged few. Of something that exists and operates in a concealed, hidden or confidential manner and is kept hidden from general knowledge or view.

The term ‘mystic’ speaks of otherworldly knowledge, or something that remains beyond ordinary understanding or explanation, having an import not apparent to the senses, nor obvious to the intelligence.

The word ‘treasure’ has since ancient times had a specific legal meaning. It refers to a concentration of riches, concealed in the earth or other private place, lying hidden for so long that its owner is unknown.
A store of prized possession of highly valuable and desirable content, which is considered lost or forgotten, until being rediscovered.

The second point Paul makes, is that this mystery of God is exclusively found in the revelation of who Jesus Christ is!
That the totality of divine wisdom and knowledge of the Trinity, if its ever to be discovered and known by man, will only be found in an understanding of Jesus Christ.

Thirdly, that this aforementioned secret treasure was deliberately stored up, implying that it was saved, or put away for future use, but hidden, and thus imperceptible to the casual observer.

Fourthly, that that you and I may become progressively and more intimately acquainted with, and may know, more definitely and accurately, and thoroughly, this very mystic secret of God, which is indeed Christ, the Anointed One.
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Have you understood the final words that Jesus spoke to you?

By newparadigmthinkers

When Jesus Christ cried out on the Cross…..

So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. John 19:30


”It is completely complete!”

Or alternatively;

”It is finished!”

The final words spoken by the Saviour of the World to mankind, at this very crucial moment of His vicarious death, must have incredible implications, and be of vital significance to ever y human being! Including for your life!

Yet, unless you have an ear to hear, and seek revelation knowledge from the Holy Spirit, in order to understand and appropriate for yourself, the full implications of these final words as they apply to your own life;

.…you will continue to walk by sight, and not by faith!
….living the resurrection life through Jesus Christ, will always seem only to be an illusive future tense possibility!
….you will continuously wonder if the power of the evil one is plaguing your life!

........having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace, Eph 2:15
…..a personal sense, of being the righteousness of God in Christ, will always be an unreality!
….being a new creation in Christ will remain an interesting religious concept for you!
…it is unlikely that you will have the boldness and confidence to come boldly before the Throne of Grace!

…..it is unlikely that you will move onward from the first principles of the doctrine of Christ unto perfection and spiritual maturity!

……clearly hearing the voice of God speaking to you, will always be a challenge!

'what's wrong with me?'

…….the nagging inner question…”what’s wrong with me?” will always plague you!
…..a feeling of condemnation, will always be just under the surface of your life experience!

……you will always feel as though your life is under investigation by God!
…….that your life is under a magnifying glass to reveal your weaknesses and mistakes!

O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Rom 7:24
…….inner peace and peace with God will elude you!
…….you will struggle to receive, and live in the Grace and Mercy of God!

…….you will constantly feel you have to do something more, to gain the favour of God!
…….you will go from spiritual crisis to spiritual crisis, always expecting that God is punishing you through adverse circumstances!

..…God will always seem distant and aloof!

....having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace, Eph 2:15
…..when you pray you will most likely ‘call on God” to come down from heaven to help you!

…..speaking to God as your Loving ‘Daddy’ will make you uncomfortable!

……you will most likely always be wondering if God is really ‘with you’
….you may believe everything the Bible says about God, but not quite be convinced about the good things the Bible says about you!

.…the most anointed visiting preacher may lay hands on your head…. and you may feel ‘blessed’ in your head, but still feel empty in your heart!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Is Jesus Christ, the ‘centrifugal force’ of your Gospel?

By newparadigmthinkers

Can simple lessons from dairy farming radically ‘shift’ you paradigm about the Gospel of Jesus Christ? It certainly did mine!

Three basic procedures used daily in producing the milk we consume are useful in understanding the way in which our common traditional concept of the Gospel was formed in our thinking.

How the ‘old paradigm’ of  ’the Gospel’ was formatted in our mind, and why the ‘new paradigm’ is radically different, not so much in terms of‘content’ but of ‘context’.

The context of an expanded vision of Who Christ Jesus really is within the Trinity, and a larger appreciation of the scope and circumference of His vicarious intervention through His Incarnation into and on behalf of mankind!

The first concept is Separation.

Cream, having a less dense consistency that skim milk, naturally rises to the top when given time.

The second concept is about making milk ‘homogeneous’

This is simply a process of using great artificial pressure to reduce the cream or fat particles, naturally separated because of the vast difference in consistency, and by force, dispersing these reduced cream particles throughout the milk. By emulsifying the fat content, you artificially make the milk uniform in consistency….very much like making mash potatoes!

The third concept is Centrifuging

Centrifuging is a mechanical process used to separate the cream from the skim milk. This is done by spinning milk around a fixed point, a rotating central axis. Under the influence of the centrifugal force created, the fat globules or cream, being less dense than the skim milk, move inwards toward the axis of rotation while the skim milk will separate and move outwards.

How does this apply to the way we interpret the Bible and know the Gospel?

Our understanding of the Gospel is based on our Theology. Theology generally consists of various ‘doctrines’ about God, and the various ‘thing’ related to God’. Doctrines are usually formulated by finding Bible verses containing similar or identical words and ideas and blending them together to ‘make reasonable sense’ of the subject.

This process of reflection on the Scriptures is essentially an effort to‘objectify’and ‘systematize’ knowledge into a uniform and ‘agreed upon’ opinion about an aspect of ‘the things God’. This process of theologizing is not much different from the method of homogenizing, discussed above!

The forcing, mashing and equalizing of different Scriptures and religious concepts together into a single ‘reasonable’ theory to ‘believe’ in.Usually elevating and ascribing divine sanction to our ‘theology’, simply because it’s based on the ‘Word of God’!

So what then is the problem with theology?
A dilemma is created when human nature losing sight of what ‘doctrine’ is,and where ‘doctrine’ comes fromelevates ‘doctrine’ above and beyond where’ doctrine’ belongs. When we  confuse the doctrines of ‘Divine authority’ and the ‘in-errancy of Scripture’ and erroneously confer infallibility onto our human and man made theories and doctrines.
When we apply our man made ’doctrines’ to dictate and limit ‘Who God the Father is, and what God may, and may not do‘!

When we use our human reasoning to define and prescribe ‘Who the Son, Jesus Christ is, and what God may, and may not accomplish through Him on man’s behalf’

Let us now consider how Jesus handled a complicated theological issue

Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying,“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”

Jesus said to him, “‘you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all  your mind.’  This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’  On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 22:35-40

The ’Fixed Point’ or ‘Central Axis of Rotation’ in the consciousness of Jesus Christ was that of Love.

In His reasoning processes He separated out from the entire Old Testament only two Scriptures, as having a weight of importance over and above all other commandments, admonitions and instructions.
He literally and figuratively separated the spiritual cream from thereligious skim milk!

On another occasion He through ‘revelation knowledge’ clearly indicated that He Himself, as a Person, was indeed the very ‘central axis’, the ‘major theme’ of the entire Old Testament!

Then He said to them, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures. Luke 24:44 – 45

What does the example of Jesus show us?

We are to make the revelation of Jesus Christ, and Who He is, and Who he represents within the Triune Godhead, the exclusive Master Key to our interpretation and understanding of the all the dynamics of God and humanity.

Jesus Christ is the only fundamental hermeneutic for meaningfully interpreting the Bible, God, mankind, the universe and all of Creation.

Failure to do so has produced  the accumulated confusing and conflicting ‘mash potatoes’ of ‘homogenised’ mixed Theology we erroneously sometimes refer to as ‘the Gospel’
A ‘new paradigm’…..redefining the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Using the ‘centrifugal force’ of Jesus Christ, both Son of God and Son of Man, as our fixed pivotal point we need to separate the cream of Spiritual Reality from the skim milk of man made religious interpretation.

We need to re-interpret the Scriptures in the light of Him who entered our human darkness as the Light of the World that enlightens every man!

Re-define the Gospel in the light of Who Jesus is, and what the Trinity did to humanity through His vicarious Incarnation, Life, Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension and Glorification!
A ‘new paradigm’….redefining Humanity!
We will then be compelled to re-define our opinion of mankind’s intrinsic value, to lift our vision beyond a limited human religious perspective confined to ‘sin and salvation’.

 Adam’s failure and fall into sin will no longer determine our point of departure, but rather the very origin and spiritual genesis of mankind within Divinity. Mankind birthed and destined for inclusion and infusion into the loving and joyful union and communion of the Trinity.

A ‘new paradigm’……the ecclesia as true Agents of Transformation

We the ecclesia, the called out ones, if we are to become part of the answer for mankind’s spiritual dilemma, agents of change, and not part of the problem, need to become transformed in the spirit of our minds.

Boldly embracing a new paradigm of thinking, we must confront our unconscious personal fears and emotional choking points. Be willing to face our hostile contemporaries in the faith and question the ecclesiastical status quo.

With spiritual fortitude and intellectual courage we need to dismantle the strongholds produced by the redundant and stagnant religious paradigmsand the blind spots of our ‘homogenised’ theology.
We need a mental shift, but also  a spiritual transition, from the old to a new paradigm of thinking ….ironically a most ancient paradigm of thinking….as ancient as the Eternal…..recorded in Scripture as follows;

‘Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to thepraise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.’
Ephesians 1:3 – 6

Dear Christian, please answer this question!

If Jesus Christ is who He says He is:

As both the Apostles John and Paul describe Him to be:
And the writer of Hebrews confirms;

If Christ is Who the Scriptures reveal Him in His cosmic context;
That All Existence, including Mankind, owes their origin and very life to Him:
That All things, including Humanity consists in Him;

That there is no place in heaven or below outside of Him;
That All things have been reconciled through Him and to Him;

That separation from the Triune God is merely an illusion;
Merely our interpretation within the context of physical creation;
That separation is merely our ignorant subjective perception;

Our human experience because of space and time in a material world;
The reality of the unenlightened human
Darkened without the light of Holy Spirit;

Oblivious and ignorant of their genesis and life in Christ;
Where then would or could the ‘unbeliever’ end up ‘outside’ of Christ?
Christ Who is All and in All,

Christ in Whom the ‘fullness dwells’

Christ Who fills All things with Himself

Christ Who is The Resurrection

And The Life!

‘Is Adam ‘saved’?..a 120 second audio clip that could rock your religion!

I asked this vital question, in jest of course, of the 70 delegates from 14 nations, attending an International Grace Conference hosted by my friend Francois du Toit in Hermanus, South Africa, from 5-15 November 2010.
The answer goes to the ‘heart and soul’ of what I call ‘new paradigm thinking’, but which is actually an ancient understanding, in fact the eternal revelation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
An Apostolic vision of Whom and What Jesus Christ is in His Universal and Cosmic capacity, and the vast sphere and circumference of the reconciliation He wrought on behalf of all of His Creation.
The audio clip lasts only a few seconds……but could challenge your ‘old paradigm’ and illuminate your ‘blind spots’ about who Jesus is and what He has done to mankind!
Follow his link:

‘Christ the sum of All Spiritual Things’..the underpinning truth of ‘new paradigm’ thinking!

The great challenges of our time cannot be solved with the same level of thinking at which they were created‘.- Albert Einstein

I agree with Albert, while we attempt to interpret the Mystery of  who Jesus Christ actually  is, and what the Triune Godhead has accomplished on behalf of all mankind, only within the confinement of  our subjective human interpretation, our ‘old paradigm’ based on the ‘illusion of separation’, we will never clearly discern Jesus Christ for Who, and What He actually is.

He will remain as He is for most of Christianity merely a diminished historical icon of the Church, or as He is to the ‘unbelieving world’ anhistorical religious myth!

What I propose by ‘new paradigm thinking’ is in fact not new , but the ancient realityand understanding of Jesus Christ Himself, penned in ink the Apostles Paul, John the Beloved and the writer of Hebrews.
It is of a Cosmic or Universal Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, through Whom, by Whom and for Whom All Things in Heaven and of Earth were created, consist and have their ultimate fulfilment.
In this Audio Teaching I discuss ‘Christ the sum of All Spiritual Things’.

To listen follow this link

Shifting from a Self- into a Christ-centred revelation of the Gospel!

Actually …the vicarious Death or Crucifixion of Jesus, followed by His Resurrection, although they are critical points in the process leading from the  the Son of God’s Incarnation into humanity, leading up to the point of His Ascension into Heaven…were all merely steps towards His ultimate Glorification within the Trinity as both the Son of God and the the Son of Man!

It is only when one grows in understanding and appreciates the implications of the Glorification of Jesus as the Son of Man, that your grasp of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, can shift from an immature traditional self- centered interpretation of what Jesus did ‘for me” on the Cross, to a more mature Christ- centered appreciation of what The Trinity accomplished ‘for mankind‘ through the Son of God’s Glorification!

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ  just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love,  having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,   to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.”
Ephesians 1:3-6

‘And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was‘.
John 17:5

‘ And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one:  I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me. “Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.
John 17:22-24

” But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God,  and said, “Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!”Act 7:55-56

” When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.  For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.  And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:11-13

The Transcendent Christ Jesus!…..Glorified Son of Man!

When the point of departure of our journey in the understanding of who God is, and what God can and cannot do, namely our Theology, starts with you your study mankind, of Anthropology, we are bound to end up in an intellectual dead end street!

Making  Adam and Eve’s demise in Eden, and mankind’s subsequent decline into sin and dysfunction the definitive interpretive lens of our Theology, confines our reasoning within  a paradigm of ‘sin and salvation’ and limited to man’s subjective interpretation of God, seen only form the perspective of man’s dilemma.

A major consequence of mankind’s lapse into a shame based consciousness of inferiority was the illusion of separation from his Creator. Born out of this sense of estrangement, and in pursuit of appeasing and gaining an acceptable standing with an unseen and an unknown God, mankind has devised myriad forms of religious institutions and observances based on human ‘self-effort’ to please an ‘angry’ God.

Despite their noblest efforts to ‘reach’ God, after thousands of years of ’religion’, mankind, both Hebrew and the Gentiles, were still trapped like a dying infant, smothering in his own vomit, drowning in an unshakable subjective sense of unworthiness and distance.

Like Samson,  having lost his unique identity, held hostage by the enemy, in fetters of guilt and shame,  ‘blind’ ‘bound’ and ‘grinding’ away at the millstone of spiritual ignorance, fear and superstition.
Mankind required outside intervention to save him from his own deep ignorance and self-deception.

We needed someone outside of ourselves, one who really knew God, who could interpret and explain God.
Jesus came and did that, revealing Him not as a Judge, or a hostile andvengeful ogre in the sky, but as a caring and loving Father!

The blindness that dominated man’s spiritual consciousness needed to be healed! His compromised spiritual sight needed to be recovered. Jesus came ‘as the ‘true light that enlightens every man’! He introduced mankind to himself, revealing to him once again his true identity and original genesis in God as spiritual Father.

Jesus did more than that, He not only introduced the Father, but in fact brought Divinity into union with humanity, ultimately transporting humanity into Divinity in His own Person.
Your theology should rather have its point of departure in an understanding the eternal council of the Trinity!

The Fathers intention and purpose in eternity past to lovingly embrace  humanity within His perfect relationship with His  only uniquely Begotten Son.

From this perspective, God’s dealings with man supersedes the elements of ‘sin and salvation’, however vital they are in the scheme of things. The larger context becomes the objective external end eternal reality of Adoption, or inclusion of mankind into the Love and Life of the Trinity through ChristJesus.

This unilateral act of the Fathers Love and Grace is described in Ephesians.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,  just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by whichHe made us accepted in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:3-6

This revelation requires a ‘repentance,’ a change of mind, a new paradigm of thinking, in fact a return to an authentic and original Apostolic appreciation and vision of Jesus Christ, as Who He really is as the Son of God, not merely as Jesus of Nazareth the Son of Man.

Not merely upgrading the limited and fragmented prevailing perspective compiled from the subjective interpretation of man within creation which we know as ‘salvation’ but an expanded view of Jesus as the Cosmic or Universal Christ, the Son of God, in fact, very God Himself.

The recognition that Jesus Christ is indeed the very source, agent and fulfilment of all creation. The One in Whom everything in creation consists, and exists, and is reconciled to is Creator.
.....the Triune God has taken full responsibility for the consequences of the fall and also the ultimate reconciliation of the crown of their creation, mankind.
Understanding that the Triune God has taken full responsibility for the consequences of the fall and also the ultimate reconciliation of the crown of their creation, mankind. Hence Jesus didn’t come into Adam’s domain, Adam came into Christ domain.

The realization that there is no other God beyond or behind Jesus Christ, a God who thinks and acts differently towards mankind than Jesus Christ Himself does, and against whom Jesus is shielding or protecting us.

That the Son and the Father are ultimately one in purpose and are inextricably bound  in union with mankind through the Glorification of Jesus, the Son of Man,  Who is in and of Himself the Mediator and Guarantor of an ‘Eternal  Covenant’, an ‘us’ inclusive relationship between the eternal Father and the Son on our behalf!

This grand and transcended revelation of Jesus Christ was first expressed by Jesus Himself and subsequently penned in ink by the beloved Apostle John, the great teacher of the Church, the Apostle Paul and the writer to the Hebrews.

Jesus Christ the Saviour of the World……an idea which time has come!

There exists an unfortunate weakness within the contemporary Christian Church!
Measured against her opportunity and potential for relevance within this desperately needy world we live in, the Church in my opinion, has become tragically irrelevant.

Her flaw lies in the fact that she has lost her unique and distinctive birthright; she lacks a vital revelation and clarifying explanation of the divine‘Living Logos’!
Hence, she is now become largely impotent in fulfilling her mandate and silent in prophetically describing and prescribing the over arching paradigm concerning the One in Whom is found mankind’s single spiritual solution.

The eternal objective reality and absolutelyexclusive status of the only unique Son of God, and simultaneously the implications of the all inclusive Cosmic and Universal nature of Jesus Christ, has become lost in our limited collective and individual perception of reality and religious sentiment, bred from our subjective experience.

The true message and correct representation of Who Jesus Christ actually is within the Trinity, and the far reaching claims He Himself has made and rightfully asserts, have become diluted, corrupted and confused by human reasoning.

Most Christians are blissfully unaware that there is a distinction between the Bible, also referred to as ‘God’s Word’ and the One who is referred to as the ‘Living Word’, the Manifest member of the Triune Godhead!
Many battle to distinguish the ‘Living Word’ out from the collective man made ecclesiastical structures, human doctrines, religious ethics and moral creeds that we consider to be Christianity.

Because the original and authentic apostolic vision and message of Christ Jesus as Himself being the Living Word, is lost in the Church…. she has become partially ignorant of the very reason for her own existence!
Consequently has no truly relevant message about the One Who is in Himself  the very Divine Hope for a religiously confused and spiritually dumbed-down humanity desperately seeking the answer for its pain and turmoil!

A humanity, to use the cliché, who has since its inception, been driven by fear and ignorance to look for love in all the wrong places!
The very reason for our existence as the ‘Ecclesia’, the ‘Church’, the human Body of Jesus Christ in the earth, is not to present to humanity a Jesus as the mere figurehead of a more desirable replacement religion called Christianity!

Jesus is not competing for numbers with the major religions of the world, neither is He seeking their vote of approval or the endorsement of His Supremacy. He is already confidently established as The Christ of God, theover arching spiritual paradigm, in whom all of mankind exists and consists
We are not merely to make  ‘converts’ and pseudo disciples for the religion called Christianity.
"All authority has been given me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.."

Jesus Christ exists and operates in a sphere far superseding and superior to the institutions and formalities of all the religions of the world.
We are  to persuade and win over all the peoples of the earth under the ‘discipline’ of the certain knowledge of supreme Lordship of Jesus Christ and Good News of their inclusion into the life and love of the Trinity through Him.

Indeed to confidently announce Jesus as the very Christ of God!
Unequivocally proclaiming Him not only as the sole Saviour of All Mankind but indeed the Supreme Lord over all the Earth!
Pronouncing His legitimate claim of ownership over all of Humanity!
Jesus Christ is indeed the Saviour of the World……this is now an idea which time has come!

Jesus Christ,The Last Adam…First of the New Creation Mankind.

Everything has changed!

All things are Different!
Death has been different!
Sin has been different!
Life has been different!

Faith… Hope… and Love have been different!
Since that glorious day when Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God  painstakingly climbed Calvary… everything has been different!
As He stretched forth his arms upon the wood of cursing, He was reaching across His entire creation…. embracing every wayward man, woman and unborn child!

His feet touched Hell and His head reached the heavens!
As He hung suspended, rejected both by Heaven and Earth….. He took upon Himself and absorbed and exhausted in his own body, the full and awful consequences and judgement due to a fallen, rebellious sinful Adamic Race!

As Joseph of Arimethea carried the mutilated dead body of Jesus into the empty tomb, little did he know that he was, in the sight of Almighty God, carrying the entire Old Creation Adamic Human Race into its grave!

A heavy stone , requiring thirty five men to move, was rolled over to shut the tomb.
Pontius Pilate, representing the Highest Secular Judicial and Governmental power and authority of man on the planet, upon the formal insistence of Caiaphas, the Official High Priest of the Living God Jehovah, officially sealed the tomb containing the dead body of Jesus of Nazareth, Rightful Heir to the Throne of David, The King of the Jews, the Son of Man, the Son of God, the Last Adam, the Second Man …The Christ of God!
The inscription bearing the image of Augustus Caesar was pressed into the red wax upon the official blue ribbon hung across the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth, formally and legally Sealing and Certifying His Death and Burial.
In the intention and purposes of Almighty God the Fallen Adamic race had ended, and the New Creation of whom Christ Jesus would be the Firstborn from the Dead, could be, by the Eternal Spirit, raised from death into The Life of The Eternal!
Humanity Had been eternally elevated and included in the Life and Love of Divinity!

Appeasing an Angry God ……or being embraced by a Loving Father?

Ponder this thought!
The way in which many Christians typically understand Christianity and the Gospel  is that the Redeeming and Sacrificial Love of Christ could ‘save’ a sinful man, who chooses to believe, yet is simultaneously incapable of  ’saving’ God the Father from resenting the unbelieving sinner, as though God the Father was the one ‘person’ who was beyond redemption.
As though Jesus and the Loving Father who ‘sent’ Him have two different and opposing agendas!
This idea of being under compulsion to propitiate a distant an angry God has been both endemic and systemic in the mentality of mankind from the beginning.
The same attitude towards God has been reflected throughout the ancient history of humanity both in Hebrew and Gentile religious and philosophical thought and is still prevalent today.
Yet, this notion is radically different from what Jesus, the one who had come out of Heaven, and the only one who actually knew the Father testified to.
This approach also ignores the fundamental tenant of the Bible, which is that God took complete and total responsibility for the demise and restoration of of His fallen Creation.
It negates the grand fact that mankind’s Redemption and Reconciliation was and is totally Gods own initiative!
We conclude then that the notion of man needing to appease and reconcile a distant, angry and offended Deity to Himself, is typical of every false religion and is in fact the opposite of what Christianity it truly about!
Man has ignorantly equated and confused terms such as ‘the wrath of God’ with ‘the wrath of man’ and the way the world commonly understands ‘wrath’. As though any parallel can exist between God and an angry outraged undignified man who loses his temper and retaliates by direct vindictive penal action.
As if God can put aside His love… if and when man cannot successfully persuade and win Him around by ‘believing’ and by ‘having faith’ of sufficient quality and quantity.That man’s change of heart or mind is able to to stay God’s hand of vengeance and shift Him from punishment to mercy!
Ironically this implies that man has the ultimate say in the matter of ‘salvation’, able to manipulate even God Himself by his choices! That the ‘locus of control’ rest ultimately with man and not with God, making man more powerful than God! Perish the thought!
They do not understand that God’s wrath is His Grace in agony… and is the passion of His love going forth to redeem his lost children.
Christ’s Redemptive Act at Calvary was not man’s initiative, but unilaterally God’s idea and provision, who had Himself  ’set Christ forth’  in order to reconcile lost man to Himself!
God was never lost…..He has eternally related to mankind through His Love and Grace. He has only beheld and valued man as In Christ, the Lamb that was slain, in the foreknowledge of God,  before the world began!
He has only ever known man as existing in Christ, Him being the very Source, Agent and Fulfilment of all Creation. The very Life and Sustainer of Mankind…..in Whom Mankind is constituted and consists.
Him being the very Logos…the Original Logik…the Very Mind of God in expression.
Man on the other hand has never for one split second had any existence independent from or outside the sphere of Divine Love and Grace. Yet erroneously operating under an illusion of separation he  had alienated himself from God in his own mind!
Adam blamed his original sin on God. His failure brought into the soul of man loss of perspective, darkness, guilt, bitterness, alienation, resentment and hostility towards God.
Paul says;
“For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross. And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight..” Col 1; 19-22
God is the Reconciler from beginning to end.
It is God who reconciles!
It is man who was reconciled!
In His unwavering and unflinching Love He took the initiative, broke into the spiritually contaminated and darkened atmosphere of man’s hostility and antagonism towards His Maker.
At His own expense He pulled down every estranging barrier that mans guilt, deception, inferiority, hopelessness and resentment has erected. He cancelled out  in and through  Christ Jesus all of man’s varied rationalizations and many justifications for maintaining distance between himself and his Creator.
In the human body of  Jesus Christ, the Triune God demonstrated within the created order of matter, energy time and space and established in human history a fixed a point of reference. An eternal living  testimony of man’s inclusion in the Love and Life of the Trinity.