Friday, February 18, 2011

What is the Spirit of Truth doing in the earth nowdays?

The Holy Spirit is at present pursuing an unveiling to the understanding of man of revelation of the ‘many sided’ Grace and ‘The Reality’ or ‘Truth’, concerning the ‘Parenthood’ relationship between the Trinity and humanity as introduced to us by Jesus the Christ.

A responsible eye surgeon, so as not to further damage but to rather heal, would first confine a once blind surgical patient to a darkened room and gradually introduce the bright sunlight light by slowly removing the layers of bandages over time, giving the eyes and the mind the opportunity to adjust. 

Likewise, the Spirit of Truth Reality has been doing critical eye surgery, recovering our lost spiritual insight and uncovering and re-introducing long lost truth concerning who Jesus Christ is, and  what the Trinity has accomplished on behalf of mankind by the vicarious Incarnation of the Son of God and the subsequent Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension and Glorification  of the Son of Man.

In my humble opinion the Holy Spirit is shedding new light and bringing a fresh and fuller understanding in the following areas;

a) A rediscovery of the uniqueness of the Trinity, of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as revealed and demonstrated in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ!

Particularly the significance of the union and communion of Absolute Love within the Trinity, giving rise to and ultimately defining the ‘relational aspect’ that gave rise to the creation and ultimate reconciliation of humanity with Divinity through Jesus Christ.

b) The dismantling of the human theological concept of a ‘limited atonement’ that erroneously reduces the potency and inclusivity of the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Theoretically submitting its efficacy to the ignorance and fickle whim of sinners, and the seductive influence of the devil over man’s mind.

Reclaiming within the consciousness of mankind the rightful title of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world, of all mankind. 

Recognising that Jesus Christ supersedes being merely an icon of the Christian Religion but is in fact the Cosmic Christ and Universal Lord of All.

c) He is cleaning up the poisoned well of the inconsistent and indefensible false doctrine and incorrect human interpretations that gave rise to the erroneous doctrine and teaching on ‘hell’ and ‘eternal punishment’.

This blot on the face of Christianity has done more damage to the cause of Christ, and has marred the image of our Heavenly Father more than even the devil could hope for.

d) The Sprit of Truth is revealing to us once again, that, consistent with its Divine nature, the Trinity always only thinks and acts redemptively, and has always taken full responsibility for the ultimate removal of evil and the total restoration of its creation.

"....My Father and your Father!"

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Bright and Morning Star!…Cosmic Christ and Universal Lord!

To me, of all the illustrious titles conferred on the Lord Jesus Christ, one of the most beautiful is The Bright and Morning Star!

....heralding the day.
“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.” Rev 22:16

This poetic title indicates certain things unique only to Jesus.

In antiquity, a star was a title referring to one who was pre-eminent in power and royalty, one of princely or kingly status.

This title aptly recognises Jesus Christ as the King over all Kings, the Supreme Lord over all lesser Lords.

‘Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12

The Morning Star is indeed the brightest of all stars in the heavenly expanse. This title correctly sets Jesus Christ int the forefront of all splendour and glory.

There is none other who remotely compares with Him. All other luminaries fade into dullness and pale into insignificance in comparison with the Morning Star.

Light of the world!
Likewise all other prominent figures in human history disappear into obscurity compared with the man who was called Jesus the Christ! He indeed outshines all as the Light of the world!

“As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” John 9:5

In the cosmic scheme of things, it is the glory and function of the morning star to act as herald of the dawn.

The appearing of the morning star announces the cessation of darkness and the breaking of the new day!

By its arising it compels the flight of the darkness of night by the coming forth of the full blaze of daylight!

No intensity of the darkness within the universe can extinguish or overwhelm brightness of its appearing.

“I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness” John 12:46

Likewise the stepping down from out of eternity by the Son of God into the dimension of time and space shattered once and for all time the spiritual darkness that prevailed in the consciousness of mankind.

A Star is something cosmic, that cannot be hidden from sight. A star is universal, and is  owned by nobody, but yet belongs to everyone. Every man, woman and child can look upon a star and be illuminated and  guided by its light.

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.  And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world” John 1; 4-9
The Bright and Morning Star portrays Jesus the Christ as the Saviour of All mankind… idea which time has now come!

...the light that illuminates every man!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

When I saw that Andrew Murray believed the ‘salvation of all men’…I was really blessed!

Few men of God are as widely known and as well respected around the world as the late Andrew Murray, May 9, 1828 – January 18, 1917.

Rev.Andrew Murray, 1828 - 1917
Murray was a deeply spiritual man and a Dutch Reformed Minister in my native country of South Africa. He authored many books that are considered today as Christian Classics that   are still read and treasured by millions of Christians today. His works certainly enriched my life and ministry.

Some of his greatest works include Absolute Surrender, Abide in Christ, and the Deeper Christian Life.

Andrew Murray admits to being greatly influenced by the English cleric William Law. While admitting his theological concerns on such issues as election, Murray wholeheartedly endorsed William Law’s work ‘An Affectionate and Earnest Address to the Clergy’. Herein Law clearly outlines his personal belief in the universal salvation of mankind.

Murray later republished this book under the under the title ‘Power of the Spirit’.

While Murray’s earlier books reflected his own Calvinistic denominational perspective, it would appear that that he, like many ministers, including myself, later on in his life also recognized in the Scriptures and wrestled withthe idea of the universal reconciliation of all men through Jesus Christ.

Here are Andrew Murray’s thoughts of taken from his book ‘God’s Will: Our Dwelling Place.’

The Salvation of All
By Andrew Murray
(Chapter 23 of his book “God’s Will”)

“I exhort therefore, that, supplications, prayers, intercessions, -and giving of thanks be made for all men …. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who will have all men to be saved’ –1 Timothy 2:14.
“The Lord is long suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance “–2 Peter 3:9.

After Paul urged that supplications, prayers, and intercessions should be made for all men, he reminded us that we may do so in confident assurance that it is good and acceptable to God. He wills that all men should be saved. 

The knowledge and faith of God’s will for all is to be the motivation and the measure of our prayer for all. What God in heaven wills and works for His children on earth we are to will and work for, too. As we enter into His will for all, we will know what we are to do to fulfil that will. And, as we pray and labour for all, the faith in His will for all will inspire us with confidence and love.

Perhaps the question arises-If God wills the salvation of all, why is it not happening? What about the doctrine of election, as Scripture teaches us? And, what about the Omnipotence of God, which is surely equal to His love that wills the salvation of all? As to election, remember that there are mysteries in God and in Scripture which are beyond our reach. 

If there are apparently conflicting truths which we cannot reconcile, we know that Scripture was not written, like a book of science, to satisfy the intellect. It is the revelation of the hidden wisdom of God, which tests and strengthens faith and submission, and awakens love and childlike traceableness.
Absolute Surrender

If we cannot understand why His power does not work what His will has purposed, we will find that all that God does or does not do is decided by conditions far beyond our human comprehension.

It requires a Divine wisdom to grasp and to order God’s ways. We will learn that God’s will is as much beyond our comprehension as God’s being. And, it is our wisdom, safety, and happiness to accept every revealed truth with the simplicity and the faith of little children. 

We must yield ourselves to it to prove its living power within our hearts. Let us not fear to yield ourselves to the utmost to this blessed word: God will have all men to be saved.

God is love. His will is love. As He makes His sun to shine on the good and the evil, so His love rests on all. However little we can understand why His love is so long-suffering and patient, we can believe in and be assured of the love that God gives to us-a love whose measure in heaven is the gift of His Son, and on earth every child of man.

His love is nothing but His will in its Divine energy doing its very utmost in accordance with the Divine law. Thus, His relationship to mankind is regulated to make men partakers of His blessedness. 

His will is nothing but His love in its infinite patience and tenderness delighting to win and bless every heart into which it can gain access.
If we only knew God and His love, how we would look on every man we see as one upon whom that love rests and for whom it longs. 

We would begin to wonder about the mystery of grace that has taken up the Church, as the body of Christ, as a partner in the great work of making that love known, and rendered itself dependent upon its faithfulness. And, we would see that all who lives to do God’s will must believe this to be its central glory: our doing the will that wills that all men should be saved.

God will have all men to be saved. This truth is a supernatural mystery. It can only be understood by a spiritual mind through the teaching of the Holy Spirit.

 It is in itself so Divine and beyond our apprehension-the difficulties that surround it are so many and so real-that it needs so much time and sacrifice to master its teaching. 

To very many who do not possess a humble, loving heart, the words carry little meaning.
To the believer, who in very deed seeks to know and to do all God’s will, God’s words give a new meaning to life. He begins to see that this call to love and to save his fellow­men is not something accidental or additional. 

He begins to realize that, along with the other things that make up his life, he can devote as much time and thought to this as he sees fit. He learns that just as this loving,saving will of God is the secret source of all His will and rules it all, so this loving, saving will is to be the chief thing that he lives for, too. I have been redeemed, organically united to, and made a member of the saving Christ, who came to do this will of the Father.

I have been chosen and set apart and fitted for this as the one object of my being in the world. I begin to see that the prayer, Thy will be done! means, above everything else, that I give myself for this loving, saving will of God to possess, inspire, use, and if need be, consume me. 

And, I feel the need of spelling out the words of the sentence until my heart can call them its own: God-my God, who lives in me–will have, with His whole heart, in that will which He has revealed to His people that they may carry it into effect–all men, here around me, and to the ends of the earth–to be saved, to have everlasting life.

Paul wrote these words in connection with a call to prayer for all men. Our faith in the truth of God’s loving, saving will must be put into practice. It must stir us to prayer. And prayer will most certainly stir us to work. We must not only seek to believe and feel the truth of these words, but we must also act. 

This will of God must be done. Let us look upon those around us as the objects of God’s love, whom His saving will is seeking to reach. Let us, as we yield ourselves to this will, go and speak to those around us about God’s love in Christ.

It is possible that we are not succeeding in doing God’s will in our personal life because we neglect the chief thing. As we pray to be possessed and filled with the knowledge of God’s will, let us seek, in all things, to have our hearts filled with this love.

 Let us have tongues which speak of Jesus and His salva­tion, and a will which finds its strength in God’s own will–that all men be saved. So will our life, our love, our work, and our will in some measure be like that of Jesus Christ–a doing of the Father’s will, that none of these little ones should perish.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Is Jesus really the only ‘Saviour of Mankind’ mentioned in your Bible?

Many Christians, when I confront them with the fact that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of all mankind, inevitably, through a nearly predictable ‘knee jerk reflex response’ retort with a ‘yes but God!’ response!

I’ve come to the conclusion that this is because a dichotomy exists deep down in their thinking regarding God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son.

As though they sub-consciously relate to them as being different, as divided, and as having two completely contradictory and  opposing natures and different agendas.

The 'bad' and the good 'guy'!
This reminds me of the typical‘white hat’ and ‘black hat ‘scenario in the old western movies when I was a kid. The hero, usually a clean cut ‘good guy’ type, always wore the white hat, and the ‘bad guy’ the black hat!

It seems that our early Christian mindset was formatted along these lines, I know mine was. 

I clearly recollect, that the earliest impressions made on my tender young soul about God at Sunday school 101, went something like this;

God was a mean old Judge and He was watching my every move!

He was like an angry old man, with a white beard and robe, seated behind a huge book wherein He kept a detailed record of each of my sins, big and small. He was building a case against me in preparation for the Judgement day!

On that grim and fatal day, I would be dragged before the court of heaven in order toreceive my punishment or reward!

As the book is read, and all our secret sins publicly exposed for all to see, the sheep and the goats will be separated! That day our mothers and grandmothers would wail of sadness and hang their heads in shame! 

The thought was terrifying!

If it is found that Andre had been a ‘good enough’ boy, St Peter would fling open the pearly gates, and I’ll be welcomed into heaven as multitudes of angels choirs rejoice!

However, if I tipped the scale on the ‘bad’ side, Andre, together with the other ‘damned and doomed’ ‘goats ‘would slide down into the open pit of hell as hoards of vile demons screech with delight!

There I would face the ‘vengeance’ and ‘wrath of God’…and there I would weep and gnash my teeth forever, as I roast in flames! I would now officially belong to the devil!

Yet, how both God and the devil somehow had a hand in my eternal torment was never fully explained!
God’s primary character was also introduced to me as that of an exceedingly jealous God, who hated all those who hated him, or by implication ‘sinned’ against Him.

There was no escaping His vengeance because God was going to exact His pound of flesh from you personally for ‘sins’ going all the way back to parents, grandparents and great grandparents …and possibly many generations beyond!

This fact alone, coupled with the notion that ‘you were conceived and born in sin’ made me a two time loser!

Not only was I probably sold down the river by my lousy family, I had lost my innocence when I had yielded to temptation myself! 

There was the grievous incident when I silently cussed a policemen driving by on a bicycle, to see if heaven would fall or lightening would strike me dead!

Not to mention the little blond girl next door, who insisted on playing ‘I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours?’ 
 In God’s eyes I was toast!

Religion was fear inspiring and very confusing, but my parents insisted we needed it to be ‘decent folk’ and I especially needed it so I could make ‘something of my life!’

Gentle Jesus meek and mild.
But what about Jesus?

‘Dear gentle Jesus’, God’s Son on the other hand, was depicted as ‘meek and mild’ and all goodness and light! He was portrayed as a handsome, friendly, smiling shepherd, rubbing little kid’s on the head and radiating love and peace!

 He just loved everybody, did miracles to help people all the time and wanted us to be happy!

He loved me so much that He even died for me to save me from Gods ‘wrath’ and ‘anger’ and to force  God not to send me to ‘hell’ because of  Adam’s lousy mistake!

Jesus was somehow ‘saving’ me from God, the devil, my sin and from eternity in hell, getting my sins forgiven and taking me to heaven when I die!

It is obvious who wore the white hat, and who wore the black hat in my mind!

God was a mean Judge, and Jesus was my loving Saviour!

Yet ironically in the New Testament no fewer than eight occasions it is God who is called Saviour!

And Mary said: “My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour.” Luke 1:46

‘Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the commandment of God our Saviour and the Lord Jesus Christ, our hope,’ 1 Tim 1:1

‘…but has in due time manifested His word through preaching, which was committed to me according to the commandment of God our Saviour;’ Titus 1:3

‘For to this end we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, especially of those who believe.’ 1Ti 4:10

‘For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour,
Who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth?’ 1Ti 2:3-4

‘….not pilfering, but showing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.’ Tit 2:10

‘But when the kindness and the love of God our Saviour toward man appeared’ Tit 3:4

‘To God our Saviour, Be glory and majesty,Dominion and power,Both now and forever.Amen.’ Jude 1:25

This is of the utmost importance to our thinking and out theology!

This forbids, once and for all times setting in contrast the ‘love’ of Jesusover against the ‘wrath’ of God!

This absolutely forbids any consideration or viewpoint that suggests or implies that the life and work of Jesus the Son was about altering the attitude of God the Father towards mankind!

That defies any notion that insinuates that Jesus had to turn the wrath of God into the love of God on our behalf!

It debunks the idea that Jesus had to persuade God to withhold His hand stretched out to destroy!
Our God is the Saviour God!

Jesus Christ did not live and die to change the attitude of God the Father towards men!

No! No! No!

Jesus Christ lived and died to demonstrate what that attitude really is!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Paul the Apostle was the expert! You better find out what he said about ‘hell’!

The Apostle Paul was no idiot!

Paul the Apostle
Neither was he a man of straw!

In fact, Paul was separated from his mother’s womb to be a Prophet to the nations.

He was an intellectual giant among men.

He was highly educated and morally superior, capable of being advisor to the Caesar’s.

Paul took his calling very seriously, and courageously stood his ground and spoke out boldly and fearlessly against Prophets and Priests and Kings.

His unique combination of uncompromising intestinal fortitude, combined with his brilliant mind, must have been why the Glorified Christ personally arrested and commissioned him, of all men, to bethe greatest  revelator of spiritual truth of all time.

Paul on the Road to Damascus
Paul’s unique ability to conceptualize and articulate abstract truth, must have been why the Lord Jesus Christ later personally appeared to him in the Arabian Desert, andfirst revealed to him the divine mysteries hidden from all ages and previous generations.

As ordained spokesman for God, Paul could claim on five occasions in Scripture, that that the mysteries of God were delivered uniquely to him. Not channelled through the agency of man, but received directly and personally from the Risen Lord Himself!

Paul could boldly assert that every man would be judged according to the Gospel that he preached.

He was ordained as a divine mouthpiece to explain God’s redemptive dealings with mankind, and to expose the inner workings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

He was given the understanding and subsequently revealed the significance of the Incarnation, the vicarious Death, the Resurrection, the Ascension, and the Glorification of Jesus Christ!

Paul was indeed the first man able to reveal the mystic secret of Who Jesus Christ is within the Trinity, and how Christ was in fact the very Source, the Agent,  and Fulfilment of all of Creation!

He explained the meaning of the Grace and Reality that came through Jesus Christ, The meaning of the First and the Last Adam, also the Second Man, revealing therein fallen mankind’s reconciliation with God through Christ Jesus, and the bringing about of a New Creation Mankind!

Paul personally wrote fourteen Epistles, comprising two thirds of the New Testament!
In these Epistles he laid down doctrine and addressed, confronted and corrected numerous errors, abuses, failures, heresies and deviations from sound doctrine and church practises.

Not only was Paul proficient in the entire body of Old Testament truth, including the  Law of Moses and the Prophets,  but of all men, he received the most accurate and extensive New Testament revelation. He was even caught up into the heavenlies and there received revelations to profound to utter!

Not only was the divine intentions and the decisions made, from before the foundation of the earth, within the eternal council of the Godhead, revealed to him, but Paul was also privileged with an  understanding of the reconciliation and final restitution of all things, when God becomes All and in All.

In presenting the Gospel, Paul came face to face, and confronted a wide spectrum of individuals and groups.

These included people with blood on their hands, cruel Roman despots and merciless and cold hearted soldiers.

There were gross and guilty sinners, outright heathens, some were demon possessed others were ignorant idol worshippers and  appeasers of false mythological God’s.

 Then there were those who blasphemed Jehovah  God, many apostate Jews, backslidden Christians and and also obstinate, mean and outspoken rebellious unbelievers!

Much of Paul’s ministry, his motives, his messages, his methods and his movements were recorded in his own handwriting and also captured by the hand of Luke in the Acts of the Apostles!

Paul could with a clear conscience declare that as an able minister of the New Covenant he ‘had held back nothing’, and had declared the ‘complete council of God!’

He could affirm that he had not run the race in vain!

On the contrary, he had poured out his very life as a living sacrifice in service of the gospel and was expecting his heavenly reward, a crown of recognition for a job well done!

Yet, have you ever read what Paul had to say about ‘Hell’?

Not one single word!

".....turn or burn!"
Absolutely nothing!

He never even hinted about, taught about , preached about , warned about or even  threatened a saint, a sinner or an unbeliever with the idea of a so called ‘hell’!

Do you think that perhaps the greatest teacher of the Church, the Apostle Paul, missed it?

Or was Paul perhaps a ‘false prophet’ or better still, a ‘heretic’, for not ‘pushing the doctrine of hell’?

After all, Paul’s neglect could be dooming and damning millions of people to eternal hell fire! ? If there in fact was a ‘hell’?

Or, do the nerds who often pose as preachers today, with their favourite cliché….‘hell is real’…. perhaps know something that poor  Paul didn’t know?

What do you think?

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The Trinity, you and the only true source of joy!

The One, the True and the Living God, the Eternal.

Unknown and unseen and first revealed by Jesus the Christ.

The divine union of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, co-exist in an eternal uninterrupted perfect harmonious communion and fellowship of mutual love and timeless dialogue.

From eternity the Father is saying “You are my beloved Son in Whom I’m well pleased!” !

The Son is saying “Abba Father, Abba Father’

The Holy Spirit says ‘Beloved’!

It is within this unique union and communion that Paul said “we live, move and have our being”

When we pray ‘”in Jesus Name” and say “Our Father” we enter this divine dialogue….

It is when we personally ‘believe’ ‘into Jesus’ that this eternal divine ‘reality’ becomes our personal ‘actuality’ and our experience…

“….. that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.” 1John 1:3-4


Regarding the ‘Redemption of all Mankind’ and ‘eternal punishment’ in a place called ‘Hell’!

I found out that ‘unlearning’ religion and ‘learning’ Christ is not for sissies!

Breaking the mould of the traditional Christian religious mentality and the barriers to our spiritual thinking is a scary and tough thing to do!

In my opinion this can only come to pass when the Holy Spirit chooses to reveal a ‘Truth’ to the mind of a seeking Believer, hungry for spiritual reality!

The ‘Salvation of all men ‘ through Jesus Christ is such a truth!

My own experience felt like that of a jet plane, attempting to break through the sound barrier!
Everything in the human frame resisted to the point of shuddering!

It literally felt as if everything I thought knew and believed was under such immense pressure to the point of wanting to shatter and break apart. 

My religious comfort zone and sense of security was being threatened to point where I was nearly sick to my stomach!

And then suddenly..’eureka!’…the light bulb went on and I saw the truth in the scriptures through the eye of the Spirit!
And then…. total Peace! Followed by a flood of Faith, and Hope and a Love! An indescribable Love, appreciation, admiration, respect, wonder, amazement, and glorification for the magnificence and magnitude of Jesus the Christ!

A new enlarged vision of the Love and Grace of God the Father for all His creatures!

But beware!

This revelation of the Good News is usually followed, in the Holy Spirit’s agenda, with the next major ‘choking point’ on our journey of discovery!

Namely…….is there really such a thing as ‘eternal punishment’ in ‘hell’ as we were traditionally taught to believe?

This ‘understanding’ is another tough ‘Rubicon’ to cross in our adventurous spiritual journey of ‘unlearning religion’ and ‘learning the Mystery of God; Christ!

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