This day I am charged with a deep and profound spiritual awareness and an overwhelming feeling of gratitude because of the inner assurance and the intellectual certainty and that I feel….so much so that I can hardly speak about this without the emotion of joy flowing!
A vision of the grand fact that Christ Jesus is indeed not only the Saviour of all, but also Supreme Lord over all of Mankind….universally the single most radical and revolutionary of both religious and secular ‘ideas’! This divine fact, although not easily explainable to those who have not also sought to comprehend this understanding of the mystery of Christ, has become to me personally, an absolute certainty!
The ‘truth missaplied and mismanaged…
This, the most profound and challenging Good News of all time, the one spiritual insight that drastically affects one’s perception of both Divinity and Humanity more than any other revelation, through the unfortunate ‘misapplication’ and neglectful ‘mismanagement’ by its appointed ‘Trustee’, namely the Christian Church, has become sadly lost within human history.
This explosive ‘objective reality’ was not conceived as a human religious construct, neither brought about by human agency, but wrought unilaterally by the hand of God in Christ Jesus. Although hidden for centuries from the subjective collective consciousness of humanity, and even veiled to the mind of the Christian Religion, this is indeed a ‘truth’ which has begun to again peculate to the surface of human awareness and understanding.
As a spiritual seed, hidden and long forgotten under the desert sand of humanity’s religious wilderness, this, the most vital and critical revelation of all time, is about to spring forth and bloom majestically, challenging the religious and spiritual paradigm of both the Church and of humanity, altering the very landscape of humanity’s spiritual consciousness!!
Jesus is bigger than we were told….
My own lifelong relentless search for truth, and my quest for meaning, has inevitably led me from mild curiosity though much soul-searching, study and contemplation to the following ultimate conclusion.
Jesus Christ is indeed the Living Logos, the divine reason sustaining and ordering the very life of the Cosmos, the Universal Lord and King over all of mankind! I am also persuaded this is an idea which time has come!
In order to satisfy my own sense of correctness, I have personally delved somewhat, and have studied the historical evolution of our contemporary Western brand of Christian religion, our popular evangelical Gospel, and our prevailing dogmas and doctrines.
We deeply respect and are indeed grateful to every single individual throughout the History of the Christian Church, who, indeed through much sacrifice, pain, toil and trouble contended for the Faith that we now enjoy.
However, a startling revelation and a major ‘eye opener’ to me, was when I began to realize the existence of a mostly unknown and unrecognized major blind spot. A human influence that has basically hijacked the Gospel as it was largely understood for about the first five centuries of the early Church, obscuring it from our perception!
It was startling to see the extent to which the ancient pagan roots , racial characteristics, and religious mythology, innate to the Hellenistic, Latin and Semitic cultures has had on perverting and distorting even our present vision of God, and the work and Person of Jesus the Christ!
The ‘truth’ based on a ‘lie’…of omission….
The Gospel as generally understood and popularly preached today is ‘truth’, yet ‘truth based on much ‘error’! It is a lopsided, off-centre an incomplete representation of Who Jesus Christ really is, and what the Trinity purposed in eternity and accomplished in human history on humanity’s behalf.
It lacks the revelation of the full implication for man of the Incarnation of the Son of God, His Life, vicarious Death, Burial, and Resurrection from the dead, His Ascension and ultimate Exaltation and Glorification as the Son of Man at the Right Hand of God!
Hence, are we not ‘lying by omission’ when our Gospel message does not include the relevant facts, or indeed includes the failure to correct pre-existing misconceptions? Do we not ‘lie by commission’ when our Gospel message is one that specializes in the ‘minor’s’ and yet ignores the ‘major’s’, neglecting the crucial elements of Christ in favour of exaggerating the lesser detail?
The greatest ‘new paradigm thinker’ in history….Jesus the Christ!
Jesus Christ was the most radical ‘new paradigm thinker’ ever to place a foot on planet Earth! He singlehandedly challenged the human spiritual paradigm beyond any previous Teacher or Prophet.
He not only stretched the capacity of the human spirit, the psyche and the physical frame beyond all endurance on the Cross at Calvary, but also elevated the value of humanity even beyond our full comprehension by His glorification in Heaven within the Trinity. He claimed to be in and of Himself as a Person, the very Inclusion and Infusion of Humanity within Divinity! He represented the absorption of humanity into the Love and the Life of the Trinity.
Paul the Apostle …a ‘new paradigm thinker’!
The Apostle Paul, divinely commissioned, once again profound challenged the religious paradigm of mankind! He claimed, that within the human frame of the Man known as Jesus the Christ, dwelt all of the Fullness of the Godhead in bodily form! That in Him, was contained All the treasures of the Wisdom and the Knowledge of God. That He was indeed the very Source, the Agent and the Sustenance of All Creation. That He had indeed reconciled all things, things in Heaven, on the Earth and beneath the Earth to God by the Blood of His Cross! Paul stretched our spiritual paradigm to the ultimate by announcing that this Christ now lives inside us!
I challenge you to become a ‘new paradigm thinker’…
Today, my humble challenge to you, as well as to myself and every other Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, indeed to every Christian Believer as well as every Non-Believer, is simply this:
Resolve to once again become ‘teachable’, willing to look and learn of, and from Christ Jesus with fresh eyes, and an open mind. More importantly,become willing to ‘un-learn’ much our ‘religious paradigms’ in order to ‘learn’ Christ!
Let us face the blind spots in our theology and confront and question the redundant traditional mindsets that inadvertently cause our faith to be dwarfed and to stagnate.
As the Holy Spirit gives us fresh understanding, let us be bold enough to step out of the old, andembrace a new paradigm of thinking, indeed not actually new, but an ancient paradigm!
The belief that Jesus Christ indeed came, and ‘saved’ those that were ‘lost’…that He is indeed the Saviour of All Mankind!………. An idea which time has now come!
Dankie, Andre.
ReplyDeleteI accept the challenge to "once again become teachable, willing to look and learn Christ", in order to "put on Christ" --- as the only true way of being: full of grace and truth; meek and humble of heart.
Oh yes! The Saviour of All Mankind!!! What joy, what good news....
ReplyDeleteGreat challenge. I've found that it is "unlearning" that is most difficult for those of us steeped in the old model. We have learned to deeply doubt that God could really be as gracious as Jesus models and Paul explains.