Sadly, the historic Christian Church lost a vital and important Divine revelation!
Namely, the experiential reality of the inclusion and infusion of mankind into the Love and Life of the Trinity, made possible through the vicarious Incarnation of the Son of God, leading up to the eventual Glorification of the Son of Man!
The understanding that Jesus Christ not only brought the Divine Nature into the likeness of human flesh, but ultimately took humanity up into an eternal and inseperable union with Divinity!
Tragically the truth of the relational nature and the unique character of loving union and communion comprising the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and mankind’s intended inclusion therein through grace alone, has become , even until today, largely a mere obscure formal doctrine of the Church.
The focus of the Churchchanged away from the Love and Grace of the Father embracing fallen mankind as expressed in and experienced through Jesus Christ. This was replaced instead by a religious emphasis on the Holiness of God, resulting in an obsession with the sin and unacceptability of mankind!
Thus the righteous judgement and wrath of God against sin and thus the subsequent need for legal justification for sinful man by means of punitive retribution aimed at appeasing this vengeful andangry Holy God became the dominating feature of Christianity.
The Judgement of God and the Cross of Jesus of Nazareth became the central focus. In a sense , even replacing the importance and the Person of Christ Jesus, in fact, in a sense inadvertantly religating the Alpha and the Omega of all existance to a mere ‘passport to heaven’!
The reality of the Fatherhood of God of all mankind and His loving eternal intention and unilateral decision to include mankind in His life and love through His power and grace alone, through His Son, Jesus Christ, was moved to the background and faded into obscurity.
Having lost our way, and having little vital realization and revelation of the true significance for all of mankind of these vital events, we as the Christian Church need to rediscover the deeper implications of the vicariousIncarnation, the Death, the Resurrection, the Ascension and the Glorification of Jesus the Christ.
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