Friday, February 18, 2011

What is the Spirit of Truth doing in the earth nowdays?

The Holy Spirit is at present pursuing an unveiling to the understanding of man of revelation of the ‘many sided’ Grace and ‘The Reality’ or ‘Truth’, concerning the ‘Parenthood’ relationship between the Trinity and humanity as introduced to us by Jesus the Christ.

A responsible eye surgeon, so as not to further damage but to rather heal, would first confine a once blind surgical patient to a darkened room and gradually introduce the bright sunlight light by slowly removing the layers of bandages over time, giving the eyes and the mind the opportunity to adjust. 

Likewise, the Spirit of Truth Reality has been doing critical eye surgery, recovering our lost spiritual insight and uncovering and re-introducing long lost truth concerning who Jesus Christ is, and  what the Trinity has accomplished on behalf of mankind by the vicarious Incarnation of the Son of God and the subsequent Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension and Glorification  of the Son of Man.

In my humble opinion the Holy Spirit is shedding new light and bringing a fresh and fuller understanding in the following areas;

a) A rediscovery of the uniqueness of the Trinity, of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as revealed and demonstrated in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ!

Particularly the significance of the union and communion of Absolute Love within the Trinity, giving rise to and ultimately defining the ‘relational aspect’ that gave rise to the creation and ultimate reconciliation of humanity with Divinity through Jesus Christ.

b) The dismantling of the human theological concept of a ‘limited atonement’ that erroneously reduces the potency and inclusivity of the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Theoretically submitting its efficacy to the ignorance and fickle whim of sinners, and the seductive influence of the devil over man’s mind.

Reclaiming within the consciousness of mankind the rightful title of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world, of all mankind. 

Recognising that Jesus Christ supersedes being merely an icon of the Christian Religion but is in fact the Cosmic Christ and Universal Lord of All.

c) He is cleaning up the poisoned well of the inconsistent and indefensible false doctrine and incorrect human interpretations that gave rise to the erroneous doctrine and teaching on ‘hell’ and ‘eternal punishment’.

This blot on the face of Christianity has done more damage to the cause of Christ, and has marred the image of our Heavenly Father more than even the devil could hope for.

d) The Sprit of Truth is revealing to us once again, that, consistent with its Divine nature, the Trinity always only thinks and acts redemptively, and has always taken full responsibility for the ultimate removal of evil and the total restoration of its creation.

"....My Father and your Father!"

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